REVEALED! What Rihanna told her 2 sons as she walked into courtroom on Thursday to support A$AP Rocky


On Thursday, Feb. 13, Rihanna and her and Rocky’s sons RZA, 2½, and Riot, 18 months, made a rare appearance in court at the Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in downtown Los Angeles to support the rapper, 36, as his gun trial comes to an end.

Rihanna, 36, walked in during the prosecution’s opening statements. She brought the two toddlers with her, wearing a gray raincoat with a high collar, accompanied by an older woman. During the court proceedings, RZA and Riot were well behaved, barely making any noise.


During the break, Rihanna and Rocky, walked out to the hallway together, each holding one of their sons. Rihanna disappeared into the hallway with one son while Rocky walked toward the elevators with the other.

Toward the end of the break, Rihanna, Rocky and their sons huddled up. Rocky handed the baby he was holding back to the “Umbrella” singer.

Rihanna then told her sons, “wish Daddy good luck” and Rocky gave Rihanna and the babies a kiss. She then left through a back door. After the break, Rihanna returned to the courtroom without RZA and Riot.

Rihanna previously supported Rocky during the trial when she came to court on Jan. 29. This is the first time their kids joined them.

Rocky is accused of firing a semi-automatic handgun at his former friend A$AP Relli in November 2021. They were reportedly in a “heated discussion” when the incident happened and Rocky allegedly shot at Relli twice, per prosecutors.

Rocky was arrested at LAX in April 2022 for the incident but was released on bail shortly after. Relli then filed a civil lawsuit against Rocky in August 2022. As per documents obtained by PEOPLE, he cited assault, battery and emotional distress. Rocky denied the allegations.

After turning down a plea deal in January 2024 for one of two felony charges of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, the judge determined that there was enough evidence for the rapper to stand trial.

Opening statements for the trial began on Jan. 24. If found guilty, Rocky could face up to 24 years in prison.

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