Mother faces 102 years behind bars after daughter told the judge ‘what she did during sleepovers’!


During her sentencing hearing, the mother put on the waterworks and cried because she was so ashamed and sorry for what she did to the little boys.

The mother also confessed that she failed at her motherly duties because she did not protect the children. During the times of the attacks, the defendant’s daughter was an 11-year-old girl and was ignorant of what her mother was doing.


The jury found the mother guilty after just three hours of deliberation. “We’re immensely pleased,” Deputy Attorney Kleine said. “It’s been three years, a harrowing experience for the families, for the victims.

It’s been a roller coaster of emotions. Just immensely proud of the victims, in this case, to be able to stay on course and still testify.”

According to the court documents, after being found guilty of molesting teen boys in her home throughout 2 years, the 38-year-old mom, Christina, finally learned her sentence.

She was sentenced to 64 to 102 years in prison for se-ually assaulting boys, twelve years old and thirteen years old, after weakening their resistance with alcohol and marijuana edibles. The attacks on the young boys occurred inside her home while her daughter was hosting sleepover parties with friends.

Her mom was found guilty by a jury of her peers on three counts of first-degree se-ual assault of a child, six counts of felony child abuse, and two counts of witness tampering. Now she will need to face her prison sentence that ensures she will be behind bars until she is in her nineties.

The 38-year-old mom was arrested by police officers after someone made a report that she was having se* with one of her victims. When a sheriff’s deputy interviewed the victim, who was thirteen, the boy admitted that he had se* with the mother three separate times inside her home during the sleepover parties. Following her arrest, another victim came forward.

This boy told police his story and had similar allegations against the molester. Shortly after, the mom was slapped with an additional charge for child enticement. “Having se* with an adult female is thought of, ‘That’s the cool kid of the group,’” said Deputy Attorney Kleine.

“It’s just not the case in these situations. They’ve been bullied, transferred schools multiple times. It’s just unfortunate they have to continue to deal with it.”

During her sentencing hearing, the mother put on the waterworks and cried because she was so ashamed and sorry for what she did to the little boys. The mother also confessed that she “failed” at her motherly duties because she did not protect the children.

“Now our victims are 15, 16 years old,” Kleine said. “One of them just got a driver’s license. Now they’re going to have to deal with this rest of their lives. Any relationship will have trust issues due to what she did to them.”

The victims in the case – and Christina’s daughter – have not been publicly identified because they are all minors. However, her daughter testified in court and explained how her mother told her not to tell anyone about the se-ual assaults going on inside the house. The daughter confessed that she caught her mother and a boy kissing in one of the rooms.

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