Doctors and parents couldn’t believe ‘what this newborn did seconds after she was born’!


According to the experts, when your baby is born, they are suddenly in a completely different world to their cosy, secure and warm womb. They have to breathe for themselves, they feel hunger and thirst, they cry, they feel cold/warm.


All the things that are regulated for them in the womb, become things they are now having to deal with for themselves. Once baby is born, they can be placed skin-to-skin on their mother and both be covered in a blanket to keep them warm and relaxed.

As all parents know by now, babies usually arrive screaming and wailing but this newborn girl is not having any of it. Instead Isabela appears to angrily stare at the obstetrician who delivered her via Caesarean section (SEE PHOTO).

The photo was taken at a hospital in Brazil, by snapper Kunstmann who says childbirth is a unique moment that deserves to be captured. Isabela’s parents Daiane and Renato had not planned on having a baby and discovered the pregnancy after five weeks.

However, shortly afterwards Daiane found out she had a subchorionic hematoma, which is an accumulation of blood between the placenta and the uterus, and was at risk of losing her baby. Fortunately, she went on to have a ‘peaceful pregnancy’ and Daiane said Rodrigo’s picture captured Isabela’s determined personality.

Speaking to Brazilian news outlet, she reportedly said: “My baby was born courageous. It’s a meme already. She always wrinkles her forehead when changing diapers and nursing. Isabela was supposed to be born on the 20th, but she chose her day already showing her personality.”

When Rodrigo shared the image on his Facebook page it went viral with many likes and hundreds of comments from amused fans from across the world.

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