4 Boys Sneak Into Old Lady’s Yard, When She Grabs Hold Of Them, Her Tears Start To Flow


Getting older isn’t fun. Your body starts to ache, and you slow down. You aren’t able to do all the same things you used to do, which ended up getting Gerry Suttle, 75, in a bit of trouble. Gerry lives in a town called Riesel, Texas.

They have a local ban there that won’t allow residents to let their grass get more than 18 inches tall – which I suppose makes the area look nice.


boys mowing yard

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In 2015, Gerry had some trouble keeping up with those requirements, and the police sent her a notice, and she had to go to court. Gerry never saw the notice and didn’t realize she had to go to court. Believe it or not, a warrant was issued for Gerry’s arrest, and word soon got out that she would be thrown in jail!

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Thankfully, there were some people in the area who were not about to let that happen. Two brothers brought lawnmowers over to Gerry’s house and began working on the yard. One of the boys, Blaine Reynolds, told the local news that he and his brother, Blake, had never even met Gerry.

boys mowing yard

Image Credit: N/A

Neither of the boys felt it was right for an older lady to be thrown in jail because her grass hadn’t been cut – so they decided to do something about it!

Soon other neighbors joined in, and Gerry’s lawn was up to code within two hours!

boys mowing yard

Image Credit: N/A

Watch the news clip below and be inspired to do good things for others.

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