80-Year-Old Woman Is Found Alone Slumped Over A Pillow At Nursing Home


If you’ve ever been inside a nursing home to visit a family member or someone you know, then you’ve probably seen a few things that have been heartbreaking.

It seems like there are people who are in nursing homes to simply sit there and wait until their days on earth are over.


There is a picture circulating on social media sites that shows an 80-year-old woman named Esther Brown in a wheelchair at the nursing home where she lives.

The picture was taken by a woman who wants family members to check on their loved ones to make sure they are cared for because Esther can be seen sitting at a desk with her head on a pillow.

Her son went for a visit with his pastor and saw his mother in this condition.

James, Esther’s son, was outraged when he realized that the woman he saw at the desk was his mother and demanded that something be done about the treatment.

Julia Wiggins is the woman who took the picture and is also James’ pastor. She wanted to accompany James on his visit to see how Esther was doing.

When the two saw Esther, it took almost 15 minutes for them to find someone in the nursing home who would come to help them take her back to her room so that she could be put back in her bed.

James has now filed a complaint against the local health department.

When Julia witnessed Esther and the care that she was receiving, she reached out to as many people as she could on her social media page.

She took James home so that he could change clothes before they went back to the nursing home.

When they got back, the nurses had put Esther in her bed and had moved her to a private room per the demands of her son.

James and Julia asked the nurses why his mother was left sitting at a desk with her face in a pillow and saliva collecting around her mouth. There was no answer.

The pastor and Esther’s son want everyone to monitor the care that their loved ones receive so that this doesn’t happen to anyone else.

Please pass this story to everyone you know!

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