Jake Tapper’s hypocrisy in writing book about Biden decline


CNN anchor Jake Tapper is coming out with a new book about how Democrats and the media colluded to obscure Joe Biden’s cognitive decline — which would be great, if he weren’t a complicit in the cover up.


His new book, “Original Sin: President Biden’s Decline, Its Cover-Up, and His Disastrous Choice to Run Again,” co-authored with Axios correspondent Alex Thompson, promises to be “an unflinching and explosive reckoning with… Joe Biden’s run for re-election despite evidence of his serious decline.” It is set to be released May 20th.

Which is a flabbergasting claimed for the CNN anchor to make, given his disappointing track record of dismissing concerns about Biden’s mental acuity and even chastising conservatives who dared to tell the truth.

In a 2020 interview with Lara Trump, for instance, Jake Tapper accused her of making fun of his stutter when she pointed out his obvious cognitive slowing.

“I think you have absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody’s cognitive decline,” he snapped at her.

Over the span of the interview, he consistently talked over her. As she calmly and sensibly tried to point out that it did, indeed, appear as though Biden was slowing down, he told her: “You don’t have any standing!”

And, in early June 2024, Tapper reported on a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” quoting the White House Communications Director’s assessment of the piece as a “complete and utter editorial fail” that “makes you wonder who [the Journal are] taking orders from.”

Tapper interviewed Democratic Senator Chris Coons of Delaware about the article and barely pushed back as he dismissed Biden’s gaffes as “minor slips.” 

He also didn’t challenge Coons as he whined that he, as one of 45 people interviewed for the piece, was not directly quoted and accused the journalists of “[editing] in a way that was designed to produce a particular result.”

Really? By June of 2024, was it not yet clear that the Journal may have been onto something, and that a Democrat from Biden’s home state might be carrying water for him?

The book’s press release describes Biden’s disastrous June 27th debate performance as “shocking and upsetting.”

Except that it wasn’t, for the millions of Americans actually tuned into reality. We’d all seen videos of Biden wandering off into the distance, making a fool of himself in front of foreign leaders, and saying bizarre and nonsensical things in speeches.

It isn’t all his stutter. As far back as 2017 he was recounting conversations with alleged ‘gang leaders’ named Corn Pop and telling stories about kids stroking his hairy legs during speeches. He’d long been known to cross the line with women, sniffing little girls’ hair and earning the nickname “Creepy Uncle Joe.”

On the 2020 campaign trail he inexplicably called a 21-year-old girl who asked him a challenging question a “lying dog face pony soldier,” whatever that is, and, when a farmer in Iowa confronted him with questions about Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine, he apparently insulted his weight, responding, “Look, fat.”

If you paid attention, all this was accumulating proof that the president wasn’t doing all that great. If you chose to ignore the evidence, it was easily dismissed as Republican propaganda or a conservative smear campaign.

An ordinary citizen can be excused for not doing the deep digging. But a journalist like Tapper can’t be. That’s literally his job.

Once the Democratic party line had shifted, Tapper finally called out the Biden family directly in the days before he dropped out of the presidential race, accusing them of being in “complete denial.”

He also aired a montage of Biden’s most incoherent moments in early July 2024 which, in fairness, went where many in the mainstream media still would not.

But that was far too late. Burying your head slightly shallower in the sand than everyone else’s is hardly an accomplishment — and cashing in on a book about your way-too-late come-to-Jesus moment on Biden’s age is rich.

After gaslighting the American people about Biden’s age, Tapper looks poised to gaslight about ever gaslighting us in the first place. No, he wasn’t part of the problem — it was all the other media.

This is a book that absolutely needed to be written. Someone needs to chronicle the scandalous collusion that enabled a doddering old man to coast all the way to the presidential debate stage unquestioned. Jake Tapper just isn’t the man for the job.

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